A fountain that is 2000 years old has been launched in Turkey

in the Turkish province of Burdur, after a recent restoration, the work of a 2000-year-old fountain located in the ancient city of Kibira was resumed.

The fountain was discovered in 2016 during archaeological excavations. It was located in the center of the Agora in Kibira. Restoration work began in August 2022 and was completed by the end of the same year. In May 2023, a water pipe was installed to the structure.

This magnificent structure with two swimming pools was built around the year 23, during the reconstruction of the city after a devastating earthquake. The height of the fountain is 7.5 m, the diameter is 15 m. There is also a canopy supported by columns. Originally it was decorated with 12 bronze statues, but they have not been preserved.

The fountain functioned for almost 700 years and was an important source of drinking water for local residents.

A fountain that is 2000 years old has been launched in Turkey
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