The largest strike in 30 years in Germany paralyzed the transport network

The largest strike since 1992 is taking place in Germany today, March 27. Railway communication is paralyzed, public transport does not run in many federal states, and only Berlin operates from major airports.

So, today many employees of the transport sector, from railway workers to employees of airports and public transport in cities, take part in a nationwide strike. It is expected that it will stop traffic in the country for a day.

German trade unions have called on thousands of workers in the transport industry to take part in a strike and demand higher wages to cope with high inflation. The Verdi trade union said it had appealed to 120,000 people to go on strike, and the EVG trade union, which protects the rights of German railway workers, to 230,000 people.

Protesting employees of the transport industry are seeking a salary increase of 10-12%, but so far employers are offering a phased increase of 5% and lump-sum payments of about 2,500 euros.

The largest strike in 30 years in Germany paralyzed the transport network
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